Thursday, March 27, 2014

Pattern drafting class project

This is my muslin that I made for my pattern drafting class. The fabric was a bear because it raveled terribly. I had to finish the inside seams just to keep it from falling apart. A pain for a muslin.

I like the dress, but the pattern needs some work. I think the beginning step will be to work on my basic bodice pattern. The fit was not as good as it should have been. I wanted to fix it but I just ran out of available time to do that. So I pushed forward. 

The errors are: the shoulder seams are too far forward, I should have turned the pleats the other direction and it could have used a little tiny bit more shaping at the waist or had a lining put in it.  I hope when I correct the shoulder seams that will help it hang straighter. I think the back has some issues, but I have to get better photos. I was just learning to use the remote control on the camera and I think I skewed the position, or it is maybe just a bad fit. I will check later.  Once again time was the big issue with this project.

It seems that I  sign up for classes long in advance and when class time arrives something extra is going on in my life. I started The Little Black Dress class last Thursday evening and so far things are all right, but there are 7 more weeks.....tonight we discuss pattern choices and fabrics, underlining, lining, etc. Last week we took photos and made croquis of ourselves. How enlightening that was. Time for more exercise and an overhaul of my eating. Hopefully Spring will come to the Northeast sometime soon.  Please let it be so!