I'm trying to learn how to post to this website using my I-Pad, because I am rarely on the computer anymore. It's a learning curve though. I need to take the laptop and have it cleaned up because it is exceeding slow, to the point of making me grit my teeth the entire time I am on it. Typing on the I pad is slow without a wireless keyboard.
Well, I made this little dress for a baby shower this past weekend. I think the mother to be liked it, or at least I hope so. It turned out to be really nice with little bloomers to match.
We are off to a Jack and Jill shower tonight. I wish it wasn't rainy though oh well.
I think there will be sewing time this weekend. I hope so, I received two Style Arc patterns and I would love to try one of them out soon.
More later and by that I hope I mean sooner rather than later.